The past week has been really rough for me. Don't get me wrong, Victor & I are so blessed and thankful for all those blessings; we count them every day. And we are super excited about the house, the opportunity to live in such a great area and the new experience (oh and did I mention living in the same state for the first time in months?). But this week it has really hit me what the following weeks mean and what this whole transition entails.
It may just be the tax season stress and lack of sleep, but I'm mildly freaking out about the relo and shipping off from the place I grew up in and love. I have my family and friends here and a job I love. I'm excited to start something new but the fear of the unknown and starting over is hard to swallow when I've gotten so comfortable. I'm basically wishing every day to speed up the time until the tax deadline, and until we're settled in our new home, but also hoping the passing of days slows down so I can put off all the hard goodbyes that loom on the horizon. Wow! That sounds dramatic! Enough with the self pity...
Here are some updated house pictures:

The house all covered in siding. No, it's not going to stay yellow. It's getting a coat of brownish grayish paint soon and there will be stone in the gaps where there isn't siding now.

And we have drywall! Yay! This makes me very excited because after drywall comes floors, cabinets, tile, etc.!
And what we are probably most proud of and excited about :

The deck has been started! This is the main reason we bought this house in my opinion. This upper deck will be 11x13 and the lower deck will be about 10x10. So excited to sit out there this summer!
In other exciting news I got my brand new shiny iPad this week. So, of course I am LOVING that! Another reason why I'm going to miss my firm so much, they take such good care of us!
That's all for now! Hopefully I'll have more exciting interior pics later this week. Happy tax week everyone ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Plano, Texas, United States
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