Sunday, April 22, 2012

And we have cabinets!

Well we have made it past tax season, thank God! Now comes that eery part after a deadline where you look around and think "so what do i do now?". And there is so much to do over the next month! After a few days of sulking I'm now giving myself mini deadlines with things I want to get done. This weekend Mom and I are making the trip out to Lubbock to see my baby sister's new house. It is also my mom's birthday so I've got a few things I need to finish by this weekend :)

In Portland news: I have a few more pictures to share, and you'll notice we now have cabinets which is very exciting!

Here's the front of the house. Still no paint but at least they are making progress to pouring concrete.

Here's some progress on the lower deck in the back. Still no landscaping so disregard the bushes.

And here is the master bath with our new cabinets!

And half of the kitchen. No appliances yet but it's starting to look like a real kitchen!

And here's the fireplace and mantle.

So we're seeing some cosmetic progress which is what we were really eager to see! Can't wait until there's floors and tile and everything! It'll be done in less than three weeks!

And here's one of the things I was working on this weekend.

Have a great week everyone! Victor's in Erie this week and they might get snow! It'll be in the 90's in Dallas. Crazy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Plano, Texas

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