Victor and I started off the new year by spending the day at home, taking down the Christmas decorations and doing some much needed work at home. It was a great way to start off the New Year.
Speaking of the New Year, here are my 3 resolutions:
1. Be healthier in 2013. For me that means exercising more often (our rowing machine should get here tomorrow!), drinking more water, and trying to eat more fruits & vegetables. Also, getting more sleep (easier said than done).
2. Be more organized. Being clean and being organized are two very different things. There have been times where things seem clean, but I feel totally disorganized. And there are times that things seem to be a chaotic mess, but I feel totally organized. I have always been one to put my life into organized piles (which others perceive as a total mess). I would like to find a more happy medium where I still feel like I have a handle on what is going on.
When we moved into our house we moved from basically living with our parents to a however many thousand square foot house. It was easy to put things away as we have more than enough space. But it was hard to remember which closet has the batteries, the tool kits, the cleaning supplies, the extra toilet paper stash, etc. And with three stories I've gotten a little tired of running up and down trying to find said miscellaneous household items :). But now that we've been here 6 months, things have started to find a more natural place and it's gotten easier. I'd like to improve on that and really make sure everything has a PLACE. That's when I function the best, when I know exactly where everything is. And as long as it's not all sitting on my kitchen counter, Victor will be happier as well!
Organization is a continually evolving process for me but for 2013 I'd like to get back into a system that works for me and I finally feel ready to devote some time to getting that done.
3. And hand in hand with being better organized is finishing at least one of my "projects" per month (on average). I've got quite a few open projects at the moment, a few that I'd hoped would be done by Christmas, and as soon as I get my craft room organized I'd like to crank out a few of them. That would also be good for the lengthy to-do list in my brain.
I think those are pretty attainable resolutions for 2013 and I feel confident that they can be accomplished. Now some would say that the best goals to set are quantifiable, I would say that this super Type A personality could use a little fluidity in her life and will really benefit from it!
Victor is home for the next three weeks so we are really looking forward to settling back in to our routine and coming down from what has seemed like a whirlwind of birthday/tax season/Thanksgiving/Christmas craziness! I only have a few weeks left before Tax Season wraps up and I'm glad we'll spend three of those weeks together! I'm also hoping I'll get to see a little of my college roommate here in the next couple weeks... hint hint...
Hope you all had a great holiday season and wish you all the best in 2013!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Happy Valley, Oregon
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