This weekend my parents came to visit. They both came in on Thursday and stayed for a long weekend. Dad went back Monday and my mom left today. After furiously unpacking, organizing, and many trips to Home Depot over our first week here, we thought we'd be in for a relaxing weekend with them. not so much! They were totally game to conquer all kinds of projects!
First project was killing our mole friend! Here's dad and Victor setting traps in the backyard.
I will spare you the pictures of the dead mole. But they got it!
Next project was putting together some build it yourself furniture while my mom helped unpack.
Here is the end result:
We've got our entryway bench and the tables in my craft room all assembled!
Next project? Herb garden!
We did have time to fit in an awesome dinner at the Portland City Grill. It's on the top floor of one of the city's tallest buildings and has a 360 degree view of the city. Dinner was totally amazing!
Thanks Mom & Dad for everything you did this weekend and for being our first guests in our new home!
Now that the visitors are gone its time to crash!
We'll start back up again tomorrow to continue unpacking and organizing. It's getting there slowly. But I still have over a week to keep plugging along and victor will be traveling next week so I'll have lots of time to get things in order.
Have a great week!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Happy Valley, Oregon