I will be the first to admit that I have been just terrible at keeping this blog up to date. Three posts in three years? Come on, that's just bad. Life has been crazy since Victor and I got married in 2008. Married life has been an adventure, for sure, and at times it has been hard. But overall we are happy, healthy, and very VERY lucky.
After seven months of not knowing exactly what the future held, Victor accepted a position out on the West Coast. We will be living in Portland, Oregon and he will be covering a territory that is based out of California, but includes most of the western half of North America (that includes Canada to those Canucks that are reading this!). We are very excited about this new development although the excitement also brings some trepidation. Neither of us have ever visited Oregon, and Victor has never been to the Pacific Northwest. We had always talked about Portland being a top place to visit for us, but we never imagined ourselves living out there! Our first house hunting trip is in about a week and we just can't wait to see what we've gotten ourselves into! Our realtor has been great, and we've been looking at places pretty much non-stop for weeks. Our families have both been very supportive and quick to offer up their house-hunting tips and tricks! The stress of buying our first home in a place we've never even visited, on a short time table while I'm in tax season and Victor is starting a new job is a weight we are dealing with on a daily basis. We are just taking each day as it comes right now and trying to enjoy every moment of it! If you have any tips on the Portland area or have any friends or family out there we'd love to talk to you about it! We only know a handful of people out there!
In a week or so I will definitely have more news about how our trip went and updates on the house hunting experience. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and thanks for reading our blog!!
Tasha & Victor