It's now been a little over a year since our wedding, and we would like to use this blog to stay in touch with our family and friends that we haven't seen since then, as well as the ones we see more often! To catch everyone up on current events, we are both doing great! We are both very busy with work and our dog, Peanut Butter. Victor has also been playing hockey this summer a few times per week and he has also been training for sprint triathlons. He completed his first triathlon and his first 5k a few weeks ago and is currently training for another sprint triathlon on Labor Day. I am doing a half-marathon training program and will run in my first one on August 23rd. My mom and I have been testing our running limits competing in our first 10k and 15k's over the summer. In addition to our training programs, we've had a busy summer traveling. We spent a week in Flordia with friends, spent a week in Raleigh, NC visiting Victor's parents, and a long weekend in De
nver, CO over 4th of July visiting my family.

This week has been very exciting as we celebrated the engagement of two of our friends, and also Megan & Steve setting a date! We are so thrilled that it is starting to look like all the weddings next year will be spaced out from May to October! We're starting to pencil in next yeas' vacations and hopefully we will be in a city near you soon!
The next few weeks will be very busy as we both start to focus even more on training for our upcoming events. It will also be a hectic fall with tax season and Victor's studying. Hopefully we will be in the shape to celebrate the end of it with some races!